
Helpful resources from Toronto and area’s asbestos, indoor air quality and mold inspection professionals.

Toronto and Area’s Asbestos, Indoor Air Quality and Mold Inspection Professionals

Silica Resources

The Ontario Ministry of Labour Guideline detailing the proper procedure for dealing with Silica materials on job sites, and the regulations surrounding silica.

Asbestos Resources

Asbestos is regulated provincially under the occupational health and safety act. The following regulations apply:

EACC Guidelines

EACC (Environmental Abatement Council of Canada) has established guidelines to assist building owners, constructors, contractors, subcontractors and workers who have duties under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and its Regulations to safely perform work activities. Below are links to the following Guidelines:

IICRC Standards

The IICRC (The Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification) is a member of ANSI (American National Standards Institute) and offers the ability to develop common, industry-accepted language and terminology that enables us to more universally discuss concepts and procedures regarding cleaning, inspection, and restoration. Copies of the various standards are available for purchase through the IICRC website. The Standard and Reference Guide for Professional Water Damage Restoration (2015) is widely used among the Restoration Industry.


American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

ASHRAE, founded in 1894, is a global society advancing human well-being through sustainable technology for the built environment. The Society and its members focus on building systems, energy efficiency, indoor air quality, refrigeration and sustainability within the industry.

Through research, standards writing, publishing and continuing education, ASHRAE shapes tomorrow’s built environment today. Standards are available for purchase through the ASHRAE website. The ASHRAE Standard 62.1 – 2019 is widely used throughout the industry.

Notable Published Handbooks
and Guidelines

Flannigan, Brian, et al. Microorganisms in Home and Indoor Work Environments: Diversity, Health Impacts, Investigation and Control. 2nd Edition., CRC Press – Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.

Lstiburek, Joseph. Builder’s Guide to Cold Climates: A Systems Approach to Designing and Building Homes that are Safe, Healthy, Durable, Comfortable, Energy Efficient and Environmentally Responsible. Building Science Press – Building Science Corporation, 2006.

Schatz, Michael, et al. Certified Mold Inspector/Certified Mold Remediation Contractor Handbook. 3rd Edition. Redmond, Washington: Schatz Services Unlimited, 2004.

Gunderson, E. C. (2nd Edition). (2006). The IAQ Investigators Guide: A Guide to the Principles, Techniques, and Resources for Professional Indoor Air Quality Investigations. Fairfax, Virginia: AIHA – Indoor Environmental Quality Committee.

Dotson, Kyle. B, et al. Assessment, Remediation, and Post-Remediation Verification of Mold in Buildings. AIHA – Law, Bio-safety and Environmental Microbiology, and Indoor Environmental Quality Committees, 2004.