13 Fast Facts about Radon for Real Estate Professionals

Toronto and Area’s Asbestos, Indoor Air Quality and Mold Inspection Professionals

  • Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas found primarily in rock and soil and produced by the breakdown of uranium.
  • Radon is odourless, tasteless and invisible, just like carbon monoxide.
  • Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer (after smoking) according to Health Canada [Source].
  • Radon can enter a commercial or residential building through any opening where the building is in contact with contaminated soil or rock, including gaps in the exterior brick, fissures in the foundation, cracks in pipes, exposed floor drains, improperly secured beams or posts, etc.
  • Most buildings contain some level of radon.
  • Radon concentrations can vary widely from one building or home to the next. Even buildings located right next to one another can measure at vastly different exposure levels.
  • Those working or living in confined or enclosed spaces are at a greater risk of being exposed to higher levels of radon (and its potential associated health risks).
  • The only way to accurately determine radon levels is to have them tested.

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  • Hiring a Toronto-based radon testing company can best serve your client, regardless of whether he/she is the buyer or seller. As the buyer, your clients will have all of the facts to make an informed decision about their purchase. As the seller, your radon-inspected property will be much more attractive to buyers and could command a higher price as a result.
  • Newly constructed buildings are not exempt from potential radon exposure. Even if built using radon-resistant materials, they should be tested before/after occupancy.
  • It’s crucial to hire a reputable residential or commercial radon testing service to perform the radon test(s) to ensure all protocols are followed and your building’s test results are accurate.
  • If short-term or long-term radon testing has been performed at the site in the past, ensure your buyer is aware of the testing date(s) and whether any subsequent renovations have been made to the property since the radon testing was conducted.
  • Radon levels in commercial and residential buildings can be improved by implementing appropriate and adequate mitigation or remediation strategies.


Contact us to learn more and discover how we help Toronto building owners, Toronto real estate investors, and commercial and residential building contractors every day to identify, assess, test and remediate or mitigate radon exposure in commercial or residential properties throughout the GTA.



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