Since 2004, smoking in public places, including restaurants and night clubs, has been banned in Toronto, and while city councillors talk on occasion about extending that ban to outdoor areas like parks and beaches, officials in California have just gone one step further in allowing landlords to ban smoking from multi-family residences.
What the recently tabled legislation defines is the right to specify in the lease exactly where smoking is prohibited on their properties, including an outright ban. It recognizes the right of tenants and condo owners to enjoy their homes free of second hand smoke, the dangers of which are well known.
Numerous studies have documented the fact that second hand smoke can travel throughout a multi-family building from unit to unit, contaminating and harming the occupants, particularly children. Even without similar legislation here in Canada, you should be rightfully concerned if you smell smoke in your apartment or condo unit that comes from somewhere outside, (often emanating from the unit below yours since smoke tends to rise).
At Environmental Services Group, we can test for second hand smoke, including chemical analyses of nicotine both in air and on surfaces. We can also help to pinpoint where the smoke is entering your residence by checking air pressure readings within the condo/apt versus the hallway, at closets and wall spaces where plumbing chases are likely to be found, to determine if there is a negative air pressure in the unit. In an area of negative air pressure, outside air is actually being drawn inside your home. Documentation and information give you the tools to find a solution to the problem.
Get help from the experts – call the Environmental Services Group for a quote.
Environmental Services Group is a cutting edge environmental consulting firm based in Toronto and servicing both the Greater Toronto Area and Ontario. We provide state-of-the-art, industry-leading expertise in remedying environmental hazards such as mold, lead, asbestos and much more. Call 416-575-6111 or visit our website today for a pressure-free initial consultation. You’ll be glad you did!